HELP! Change Scene help needed!

michaelleitermanmichaelleiterman Member Posts: 0
edited December 2011 in Working with GS (Mac)
I'm making a hunting app, where you pick the gun and it goes to a separate screen based on what gun you choose. BUT! It doesn't matter which one I pick it goes to the same screen. How can i make this go to the right screen? thanks for any help


  • jckmcgrawjckmcgraw Member Posts: 647
    This sounds like a very easy fix, but you didn't leave us with much info on your rules and such. You can try this...

    Create the scenes that you want for your "hunting grounds".

    Open one of the gun actors and make a rule that says: when touch is pressed. Then put the change scene attribute in that rule, and set the scene to the scene that you want. You might not have changed which scene you want...

    If you want more help be sure to put an (at)jckmcgraw be4 your post so that I get somewhat of a notification (otherwise I won't check back here).
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