Destroy and spawn actor issue

I have a actor that collides with another and spawns an explosion actor then destroys it after .5 seconds. I then want to re-spawn the first actor after 2 seconds. I can't get it to re-spawn unless I take out the destroy actor but then it leaves the last frame of the explosion on the screen. How do I destroy the explosion and respawn the first actor?
I usually go with "SceneController" myself.
You can do other things like move actors way off screen for "death" and then back on for the re-spawn. Lots to play around with and different ways to handle a given situation.
or maybe change the size to 0x0?
I usually have a spawn point or a spawn ruleset to spawn away from a quadrant full of enemies but if you respawn at the point of death, then if your density or size methods work, then definately use those.
Does resizing the width/height size attributes also resize the collision box? I hear the "Change Size" behavior does not but that is mainly for growing unless you start it off at a larger size to begin with. Lots a considerations...good old GS! :-)