get stuck in the ground, except when jumps
Hi all. I have a little problem in my Mario Bross-like game, when i'm walking around and i have a downhill, my actor make a jump, it's very disgusting, i would like him allways stuck in the ground, except when i jump. I've tried whith jump boolean, if jump boolean is true set actor gravity to 1000(wich is his standar gravity) else to 5000, but now the actor doesn't jump. Anybody has a clue?
Would need some more details on the controls etc you're using for him.
first one is if i put another cube to simulate a downhill and i walk fast from the first cube to the downhill, my actor doesn't get fixed in the ground, it remains in the air sometime like if were jumped.
Second problem: if i have two cubes as ground and one actor walking above these cubes (with rectangle collision shape), there is another diferent problem: when he is walking from the first to the second cube or viceversa (wich are at the same y.position) it gets blocked, or wich is the same, he can walk above one cube but above various cubes together even if the cubes are at the same height.
use small (2x2) squares (color themRed) rather than CircleImages and lay them out along the path you would like the actorCube to travel (set them slightly above your ground cubes)
saves a lot of coding and creation time/frustration … your actorCube will move like magic! when they all work smoothly you can make them invisible.
I hate! just Fawking Hate! Arcade! what is the sense of just playing a demo??? how can you explore the code???
and for older demos (not in HTML5) the darn screen tells me I need the plug-in which I have and have installed …
anyhow think if we have to have Arcade then it should just be for actual games.
and we NEED a separate place for the great DEMOs!
@tabelor : please message me with your email address and I will email a copy of ORBZ's great Waypoints Demo.
in second problem, if the cubes are same size this should not happen …again check the sizes of images (double click the image in GS panel and should open in click Tools in the menuBar and Show Inspector to see the image data)