Can you make gravity only apply to some actors on the scene?

i want an actor to rotate so i cant just un-check the movable box, is there anyway to make an actor be able to rotate and not move? Also i tried constrain attribute linear velocity y 0 and it didnt work. I have 400 gravity, is there some way to balance it out maybe? ive tried making it move up at a speed of roughly 6.5 to counter act the gravity but this hasnt worked. What should i do?
So, don't use the Scene->Gravity attribute unless it makes sense. Instead, if you only want certain actors to be affected by gravity then as @tshirtbooth suggested use the accelerate behavior. ACCELERATE! GAAAH
My issue was that I have snowballs falling, but I want the user to be able to move objects around the scene.....without going into too much detail, I wasn't able to set the linear velocity of the things I wanted the user to be able to move because they were movable = false because I had the scene gravity set to Y = 200.
My fix was switching the scene gravity to 0,0 and then putting the accelerate behavior on the snowball. I then made movable=true on the actors that I wanted the user to be able to move (makes sense anyway). And boom it works... finally..
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