Resolutions Help

InvertedSoftworksInvertedSoftworks Member Posts: 30
When i make my art i use Adobe Illustrator and the art looks magnificent on Illustrator but lack resolution and color when i export it.
To make it look a little better i double the resolution and make it smaller in the game itself to fix it slightly.
Is there an easier way?


  • PixelgunPixelgun Member Posts: 111
    Make sure you are using RGB as the color mode in your Illustrator document. If you use CMYK the colors come out dull when converting to raster. You cloud set the Raster Effects to a higher resolution and then reduce the image afterward. Both the Color Mode and Raster Effects options are at the bottom of the New Document dialog window under Advanced when you create a new document in Illustrator.
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    Doubling the resolution makes the file size four times as big and has no effect on the colour of a file.

    GS is not very good when it comes to scaling images down, it basically does what appears to be nearest neighbour interpolation (or something close that) so by scaling actors down you ruin the anti-aliasing in your file. Best to work at the correct size.
  • InvertedSoftworksInvertedSoftworks Member Posts: 30

    @tshirtbooth - I did do that... I set the dpi to 72 and the pixel size is exactly the same as it is in Adobe Illustrator. it just looks dull to me i don't really know why.
  • InvertedSoftworksInvertedSoftworks Member Posts: 30
    @TShirtBooth - I did find out what was wrong after i looked again. I changed the files from the email to 72ppi but it didn't save it to automatically set it like that so i wasn't paying attention and just kept doing what i did before.

    Inverted Games
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