The Best Looking Menu!

PhiliePhilie PRO Posts: 240
Hey guys!

I'm currently in the making of a very big game, and the thing I hate making are the menus.. I see tons of different menus, and I don't know what looks good! I make a menu, then trash it, then make one, then trash it, etc. I was wondering what you guys think looks good in a menu, and what doesn't. Also, if you could post some images of nice looking menus, it would be really cool to see what others think.

Should be an interesting conversation, I look forward to seeing what you all like!



  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Interesting post ... No images to reference at the moment as this is just a quick post. I think without thinking about this too much, i like a menu to be clear and concise. I hate confusing menus and going through lots of sub-menus to find things, unless its so blatantly obvious. The navigation of a menu is crucial and of course, plenty of polish and eye candy :)
  • RDRD Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2012
    This is the menu I ended up creating for my game "Phase II". This is the first screen you are brought to, and one touch instantly takes you into the game with the right difficulty. The "Medium" button is the pressed state.
    View full size here.

    View full size here.
  • old_kipperold_kipper Member Posts: 1,420
    Design is a process. Reduce the menu to what is necessary, make sure any icon or text is absolutely legible and conveys the exact message you want your user to understand, space things logically and with enough space to avoid confusion and aid touch input, and then think about any other levels of design you might want to impose as a style, but don't reduce usability/clarity with style. Colour and contrast can aid understanding but as a rule keep it simple, and if you add visual elements such as illustration or animation, use them with purpose such re-enforcing your brand, the look of the game, etc. It is also worth testing, as with any other part of a game or app, as you never know if you have let something slip by you that you might not have noticed. This all sound obvious but I've seen a huge amount of very bad design within apps (and elsewhere), but if you follow the rules then you may find that things may well fall into place.

    hope this helps. Kipper
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