Music, sounds, and money questions.

I am working on a demon-underworld kind-of game and i want to know where to make sounds and/or music. Right now i use GarageBand but i want it to sound more retro. If it is not possible to make these for free, how much would it cost to pay someone?
I am working on a demon-underworld kind-of game and i want to know where to make sounds and/or music. Right now i use GarageBand but i want it to sound more retro. If it is not possible to make these for free, how much would it cost to pay someone?
Other programs to make music in are for example Logic, Cubase, Ableton and for sound effects you can also use Protools / Pyramix. These are however difficult programs and are mostly used to work from scratch instead of making music out of mostly pre composed loops.
If you would like to let someone else make sound effects and music it really depends on how many sounds there need to be and how many minutes or seconds of music.
For me as a composer it would also be important to know if it is going to be a money making game or if it is mostly for fun.
I hope this answer was helpful to you!
Inverted Softworks
P.S. Great music!!
Other wise, surf the GS marketplace and Soundcloud for cheap-to- free tunes. Keep in mind that using 'cheap-to-free' means that many other products, not just games, may use the same music so if you want a truly unique product, hire a composer! (Like Me!).
Cheers, Steve aka Steb Sly