Game Rounds?

SteamworksSteamworks Member Posts: 61
edited January 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
So i was thinking up game ideas and i want to make a game where u have to kill all the baddies to progress to the next round. then in thr next round their are more of them. then when you progress it gets harder and harder. how would i create rounds without changing the scene?


  • SteamworksSteamworks Member Posts: 61
    now that i think about it could i create each round in separate scenes and between each scene have a little menu thing that congratulates u for surviving the round? the only problem is i cant have unlimited rounds....
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    edited January 2012
    Have a attribute called EnemiesLeft and set it to the ammount of enemies you have to kill. Then have a rule when attribute EnemiesLeft = 0 change scene or do whatever you want to start the next round. To take it further on your idea you can have another attribute called Round. Then when attribute EnemiesLeft = 0 , change attribute Round to Round+1.That will record the round for you so you know which one your on, your highest round, ect. You can also have another attribute with a set amount of enemies stored in it(lets call it EnemyAmount), then when EnemiesLeft = 0, change EnemyAmount to EnemyAmount+10, and change EnemiesLeft to EnemyAmount. So it will reset it per say and add 10 enemies on for each new round.

  • SteamworksSteamworks Member Posts: 61
    Wow thanks! this is exactly what i was looking for!
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    Anytime, glad i could help.
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