Pixels behing the actor...

igpxnaruto4igpxnaruto4 Member Posts: 81
edited January 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
so i made pixles(like fire) behind my spaceship, the ship is like a triangle but the bottom goes up a bit, so sorta like this:
- -
so its like the the botom is in a bit, and the fire start out from the middle of the ship, but when i move the spaceship the pixles go over the sides. i am wuondering how to prevent this? wouldnt mind a fix:D


  • AsymptoteellAsymptoteell Member Posts: 1,362
    I assume you're using particles.
    In the particles behavior, click the Velocity/Position tab.
    Change the Emitter offset Y (with the up arrow next to it) to something negative, it will be about half your actor's height. That will change where the actor spawns things.

    If your spaceship turns, this won't work, though, you'll have to do stuff with trig, so tell me if your ship rotates.
  • igpxnaruto4igpxnaruto4 Member Posts: 81
    no my spaceship moves left to right, and ya i meant particles, i know how to spawn it and work with the particles, what happens is that the particles move down, but when i go left or right, they go over the top of the side of the ship. any idea?
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