Touch, It's on the App store. However, yes.... any news? New beta release perhaps with iPhone WIFI testing capability? New features perhaps, issues you might be having with the beta build etc.
Hi there. We did hear back from Apple last week and unfortunately the app was rejected. We're not totally surprised by this, though we will continue to try to get it approved. Since we kinda expected this would take some time, we've been working on an alternative for a while now, so we're not worried about it at all. We'll have more information for you guys soon!
is this because you are not allowed to run interpreted code on the iphone?? I have read about a C64 emulator that was rejected because of this reason... ;(
I'm not aware of any other engines that get approved for something on the scope of what GS is trying to do. Apple does not allow interpreted code on the iPhone. Thats what I'm figuring is the reason for rejecting it. But I guess we'll see..
Flutterby is not considered interpreted code. Flutterby was converted into normal iPhone code. Or at least acceptable code. The theory behind GS (from what I understand) is we are creating the game then they compile into a normal iphone type code. That's the basic concept. The Viewer just runs the basic code BEFORE it gets compiled, therefore it is not code native to the iphone, & therefore rejected. Apple doesn't allow a program to run it's own 'Code'. Hence the C64 emulator getting rejected as well.
EDIT - Any GS Mod can give any more info on this?
"What reason did they give for rejecting it? Any clue that you can give us on the "alternative"??"
As JCary indicated, Flutterby the game is different from GameSalad Viewer. Once we've launched, you will be able to submit a game in the same format as we did for Flutterby, so there shouldn't be any worry on whether it will be accepted or not due to the way it was compiled.
Unfortunately, we are unable to disclose the reasons for the rejection of the app. However I will say that we will continue to do whatever we can to see it on the App Store. In the meantime, our "alternative" will be able to fully bridge the gap until it gets accepted.
On a side note, wasn't the sega genesis games outed as being an emulator that ran the original roms? How is that any different then what GS is trying to do?
As far as i know Apple Developers are not allowed to talk about their sales ;(
But there is a tool called MajicRank that let you track the sales ranking of every app in the different categorys of each country... You need the Apple-ID of the app to run MagicRank... You are getting the AppleID of each app by right clicking the App-Icon in the AppStore copying the URL... the Apple ID has 9 Numbers and is part of the URL...
In some other forums i have read that its pretty easy to get listed in a subcategory like games/musik or games/educational ... for the 15th place in such a subcategory in Germany for example you only need 2-5 sales per day...
What means nothing else that most of the apps that are listed in any subcategories and are not in the top100 simply don't have any sales or just 1-2...
Perhaps follow the model of iTGB (Torque 2d). Have the game editor create the DSO resource files, main.cs, (and whatever else) is needed, import into a basic XCode build. Then as iPhone developers we continue with the app process through Apple.
Game Salad Editor (GSE) for Iphone would have 2 price points. Indie and Pro with 2 sets of prices to purchase the editor, handle licensing, start screens, etc.
Just an idea to help all involved. I don't mind paying a *fair* price to be able to get my games out to the masses on iPhone.
John Popadiuk Zidware, Inc. Chicago - USA
I agree with guru@zidware. I looked at torque and that seems to have a good buisness model. I think most people would prefer paying for the software instead of paying on a per app basis just because we may come out with more than a few great apps. Knowing the people makes me believe thats possible. (I'm an optimist)
Torque is ok, but it's $1,000 for the engine then an extra $500 for the iPhone capability. Then there are different fees and rules around publishing eeuuuuwwwyuk!
The GameSalad engine could be free, and fully distributable.
You pay an annual $100 to be a member of the community, forums, technical help. More if you are a business.
Users create the App or Games using the engine (Which is great by the way, careful Apple does not buy you!)
Gamesalad is the middleman, working with the author and handling the upload and approval process with Apple and App store.
GameSalad takes a small 10 or 20 percent of any sales and sends the rest (%50) to the author.
The GameSalad engine can be purchased outright ($500 is reasonable), allowing compiling in the SDK with the click of a button, all within GS. You pay an annual $50 to be a member of the community, forums, technical help. More if you are a business.
Users create the App or Games using the engine.
Author handles the upload and approval process with Apple and App store and gets 70% of sales.
I'm leaning toward option 2. While $500 at the moment is kinda freaking me out (sophomores aren't the richest of people), I'd rather do that than have Gendai Games take a chunk out of my sales. I am against the $50 to be part of the community, though. The community is what makes all this possible, and it seems unreasonable that we have to pay to share knowledge, experience, etc.
If there were an option 3, I'd sat I'm open to paying, say, $250-$300 for GameSalad, and $50 per app compiled. And maybe 25% off every 5th app or something would be cool.
I myself will not use GameSalad if royalties are taken.
I think a fee per game distributed would be the best option, or pay for the program in full, and also charge a fee per game distributed through Gamesalad.
I'm also all for advertising them in the beginning of my game, and saying this game was created with the GameSalad engine as well, but royalties paid to GS would be a deal breaker for me, and I don't feel I am alone in this
Anyone from GameSalad staff care to comment on the above comments? Any ideas of where you're going with pricing?
I for myself would defintitly prefer Option 2 ... maybee i would use gamesalad for 1 or 2 games if only option 1 is available, but the moment another "easy to use"-engine arrives and has the possibilities of option 2 i would try to change the engine...
;( hopefully GendaiGames finds a solution for everyone...
It would be nice if there was some kind of "thank you deal" for people who have been using the beta and providing feedback. I am assuming that it has helped gendai make gamesalad what it is and what it will be.
Is it true to get in the top 100 on the app store that developers first allow the game as a free download, and if they get enough, they switch over to paid, and still end up in the top 100 because they don't restart the count from unpaid to paid apps?
you have to know programming in a c++ like script-language to use Torque... I would prefer unity3D with an easier to learn javascript-like language with better documentation...
Both packages are far more complicated than gamesalad... But on the other hand you are more flexible and more things are possible...
Oh... and both are not free...
For me Unity is simply too expensive at the moment ... the cheaper version loads with a Splashscreen that stands for more than 10 sec. on your iphone ...what is inacceptable, while the pro-version costs about 3.000$ ... and nearly every game you export with unity has more than 10 MB ;(
Well a lot of money when you are not pretty sure that your game sells more than 1-2 times a day )
Yeah, sounds like GameSalad is still the best route!
I had no idea the downloads were only 1-2 a day on average, but I guess that makes sense given how the app store is flooded with apps and games
Is it true though that if you offer it free, and it gets a ton of downloads that you can then switch over to paid, and the count still stays up, and you could end up in the top 100?
I have read about a C64 emulator that was rejected because of this reason... ;(
EDIT - Any GS Mod can give any more info on this?
"What reason did they give for rejecting it? Any clue that you can give us on the "alternative"??"
Unfortunately, we are unable to disclose the reasons for the rejection of the app. However I will say that we will continue to do whatever we can to see it on the App Store. In the meantime, our "alternative" will be able to fully bridge the gap until it gets accepted.
On a side note, wasn't the sega genesis games outed as being an emulator that ran the original roms? How is that any different then what GS is trying to do?
If you're speaking of the GS Viewer, that's different. The Viewer basically is exactly like that, as it stands now.
But there is a tool called MajicRank that let you track the sales ranking of every app in the different categorys of each country...
You need the Apple-ID of the app to run MagicRank...
You are getting the AppleID of each app by right clicking the App-Icon in the AppStore copying the URL... the Apple ID has 9 Numbers and is part of the URL...
In some other forums i have read that its pretty easy to get listed in a subcategory like games/musik or games/educational ... for the 15th place in such a subcategory in Germany for example you only need 2-5 sales per day...
What means nothing else that most of the apps that are listed in any subcategories and are not in the top100 simply don't have any sales or just 1-2...
Perhaps follow the model of iTGB (Torque 2d). Have the game editor create
the DSO resource files, main.cs, (and whatever else) is needed, import into a
basic XCode build. Then as iPhone developers we continue with the app process
through Apple.
Game Salad Editor (GSE) for Iphone would have 2 price points. Indie and Pro
with 2 sets of prices to purchase the editor, handle licensing, start screens, etc.
Just an idea to help all involved. I don't mind paying a *fair* price to be able to get
my games out to the masses on iPhone.
John Popadiuk
Zidware, Inc.
Chicago - USA
Then there are different fees and rules around publishing eeuuuuwwwyuk!
The GameSalad engine could be free, and fully distributable.
You pay an annual $100 to be a member of the community, forums, technical help. More if you are a business.
Users create the App or Games using the engine (Which is great by the way, careful Apple does not buy you!)
Gamesalad is the middleman, working with the author and handling the upload and approval process with Apple and App store.
GameSalad takes a small 10 or 20 percent of any sales and sends the rest (%50) to the author.
The GameSalad engine can be purchased outright ($500 is reasonable), allowing compiling in the SDK with the click of a button, all within GS. You pay an annual $50 to be a member of the community, forums, technical help. More if you are a business.
Users create the App or Games using the engine.
Author handles the upload and approval process with Apple and App store and gets 70% of sales.
If there were an option 3, I'd sat I'm open to paying, say, $250-$300 for GameSalad, and $50 per app compiled. And maybe 25% off every 5th app or something would be cool.
I think a fee per game distributed would be the best option, or pay for the program in full, and also charge a fee per game distributed through Gamesalad.
I'm also all for advertising them in the beginning of my game, and saying this game was created with the GameSalad engine as well, but royalties paid to GS would be a deal breaker for me, and I don't feel I am alone in this
Anyone from GameSalad staff care to comment on the above comments? Any ideas of where you're going with pricing?
I for myself would defintitly prefer Option 2 ... maybee i would use gamesalad for 1 or 2 games if only option 1 is available, but the moment another "easy to use"-engine arrives and has the possibilities of option 2 i would try to change the engine...
;( hopefully GendaiGames finds a solution for everyone...
Just curious if anyone knows on average how many downloads an app not in the top 100 can receive, or is it a crap shoot?
Hopefully that helps a little bit Butterbean21
Is it true to get in the top 100 on the app store that developers first allow the game as a free download, and if they get enough, they switch over to paid, and still end up in the top 100 because they don't restart the count from unpaid to paid apps?
I would prefer unity3D with an easier to learn javascript-like language with better documentation...
Both packages are far more complicated than gamesalad... But on the other hand you are more flexible and more things are possible...
Oh... and both are not free...
For me Unity is simply too expensive at the moment ... the cheaper version loads with a Splashscreen that stands for more than 10 sec. on your iphone ...what is inacceptable, while the pro-version costs about 3.000$ ... and nearly every game you export with unity has more than 10 MB ;(
Well a lot of money when you are not pretty sure that your game sells more than 1-2 times a day
I had no idea the downloads were only 1-2 a day on average, but I guess that makes sense given how the app store is flooded with apps and games
Is it true though that if you offer it free, and it gets a ton of downloads that you can then switch over to paid, and the count still stays up, and you could end up in the top 100?
What's the strategy on that?