Explain animations?

RocketBrainRocketBrain Member, PRO Posts: 269
edited January 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
hey all can somebody explain the steps to making decent movement animations? i tried doing actor image replacements a ways back. is there a behavior now?

i've heard references to sprites and using inkscape.


  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    Just use the animation behavior and put your series of still images in there.
  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    edited January 2012
    in general, a sprite is a character/item in a game that is not part of the static background.

    we think of sprites as all possible orientations/sizes of a character/item (facing L; facing R; facing Down; facing Up; and individual placement of body parts for walk, run, jump; and facial expressions, etc. … or … door closed; door opened; treasure chest closed/opened; sword swung L/R; etc.)

    a character/item is at least 1 sprite … and many are 8-50+ … the different iterations are placed in a single graphic file (a spriteSheet) that is referenced by the X,Y coordinates of those images when you program … not doable in GS, at this time

    ** 5 Steps to Sprite Animation **… with many stumbles

    1. Open a NewImage in your graphics program:
           -use the size of the screen your sprite will be in  
    (use 72 dpi … I love working in 300 dpi but hate conversion distortions)
    -make the first layer a contrastingColor that will not be used in the sprite (magenta or white or use the scene’s BG image)
    -create a newLayer
    -Draw a character/item … do so in the initial view … and try to have it the approximate final-size (just zoom in for detail work)
    -Save the file
    -then Save As a different name for your work-Ups (EX: treasure Chest then treasureChest-WU)
    -make copies of the work-up files for each iteration of the sprite you will need

    work only in your WU files!
    2. Open the WU file:
           -duplicate the layer with the character/item on it … move this down lower than you bg-layer
    -place guides in the image (horizontal 50%; vertical 50%)
    -duplicate the imageLayer again
    -select the part needs changed using the selectionTool and float the selection
    (EX: head; L arm; R arm; L leg; R leg for a character … lid for a treasureChest)
    -paste each selection in a newLayer and make that layer the image size
    3. In eachLayer:
           -rotate or transform the part with perspectiveTool to the position you need it to be 
    (you can use a grid in the image)
    (you can hide the parts you are not working with)
    (make sure that the selection is correctly aligned to the lowerLayer image)
    -clean-up with new straighter lines
    -do sizeCorrections
    -do area colorCorrections
    -erase extraneous pixels
    -keep working through the layeredParts you need to change
    -Save the WU
    (all this sounds so easy and is the hardest part!
    before you touch the Pencil/Eraser to the image: make sure you are on the correctLayer!)

    4. Duplicate that WU file
           -delete the layers you do not need
    if things look good:
    -select the largest area that contains all of the image
    -resize the image using that selection’s W,H for your dimensions
    -copy the content of one layer
    5. Open a New Image (set W,H correctly as above)
           -paste the copied part 
    -Save as a .png
    Repeat Step 5 for each layer.

    import the images to GS!

    Please Note:
    -never, never ever, ever crop the parts/images … that changes the Xs
    -take your time; save and take breaks!
    -simple L/R changes can be made with Horizontal Flips of the layers
    (since characters do not turn on a dime the X change is okay)
    (if needed, you can just use the guides to realign the flipped layer)
    -for an excellent example of arms/legs/body/head for running/jumping/standing still L/R see the little blue guy in GS ‘Platformer Template’
    -remember things in the back are shorter/narrower/darker than things in the front
    -2-8 walking images are great for animation
    start with 2 images (charL; charR )
    add images in animationBehavior
    changeAttribute self.Linear Velocity.X To: 10/-10 … L/R (+/-)
    Hey that looks pretty good!
    you can make these steps in any graphics program that utilizes layers

    Enjoy yourself!

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