Explain animations?
hey all can somebody explain the steps to making decent movement animations? i tried doing actor image replacements a ways back. is there a behavior now?
i've heard references to sprites and using inkscape.
i've heard references to sprites and using inkscape.
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we think of sprites as all possible orientations/sizes of a character/item (facing L; facing R; facing Down; facing Up; and individual placement of body parts for walk, run, jump; and facial expressions, etc. … or … door closed; door opened; treasure chest closed/opened; sword swung L/R; etc.)
a character/item is at least 1 sprite … and many are 8-50+ … the different iterations are placed in a single graphic file (a spriteSheet) that is referenced by the X,Y coordinates of those images when you program … not doable in GS, at this time
1. Open a NewImage in your graphics program: 2. Open the WU file: 3. In eachLayer: (all this sounds so easy and is the hardest part!
before you touch the Pencil/Eraser to the image: make sure you are on the correctLayer!)
4. Duplicate that WU file 5. Open a New Image (set W,H correctly as above) Repeat Step 5 for each layer.
import the images to GS!
Please Note: you can make these steps in any graphics program that utilizes layers
Enjoy yourself!