Ace did a great job of showing how-to-do and answering questions … especially enjoyed the tips on how to conserve the system/device resources so things work fast and smooth!
and we got goodies!
MH @beefy_clyro we missed seeing you … but think the content will be up soon.
I was registered for the conferance. But not able to come beacuse of some circumstances. I sent message to him related to my confusions in GS. Hope he got it.
@everyone - Cheers! It was fun being the only one with vocal power so I could bully you all
@creativeapps - We didn't cover the question you asked, but I will be doing a video that includes that soon Also, been super busy with family stuff this weekend, so not had much free time to edit the video. It is coming though, don't worry
I did screen record the whole thing, but when I was rendering it, Screenflow crashed and lost the file. I'm currently working on something similar to get together and document a load of tips based on requests, I'll have more info in the next few weeks, just got a few commissioned apps I'm working on.
Ace did a great job of showing how-to-do and answering questions … especially enjoyed the tips on how to conserve the system/device resources so things work fast and smooth!
and we got goodies!
@beefy_clyro we missed seeing you … but think the content will be up soon.
And I'm supposed to be hosting it!, I hope he'll send me the links!, can you guys tell me some of the topics that were on it?
think the log will be posted soon. (it will include the goodies
Ace's Place
and, I am sure he got your message … and you will love his answers!
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@everyone - Cheers! It was fun being the only one with vocal power so I could bully you all
@creativeapps - We didn't cover the question you asked, but I will be doing a video that includes that soon