How can I assign a unique ID number to an actor when it is spawned?
Hi all
i am wondering how I can assign a unique Id number to an actor when it is spawned.
I am also wondering how to identify when it is then say hit by another actor.
I am also wondering if an ID system would work when multiple versions of the same monster are on the screen. i am making an rpg test and am trying to figure out the easiest way to spawn monsters made of three actors; animation actor, attack collision mask, and move to player/attack range mask. When the monster is killed I want all three masks to be destroyed. Found self attributes won't let me kill off all the masks.
i am wondering how I can assign a unique Id number to an actor when it is spawned.
I am also wondering how to identify when it is then say hit by another actor.
I am also wondering if an ID system would work when multiple versions of the same monster are on the screen. i am making an rpg test and am trying to figure out the easiest way to spawn monsters made of three actors; animation actor, attack collision mask, and move to player/attack range mask. When the monster is killed I want all three masks to be destroyed. Found self attributes won't let me kill off all the masks.
on spawner … just before the spawn
changeAttribute: game.IndexActor# To: game.IndexActor# +1
Spawn behavior
on the actor you are spawning:
an Index attribute: my#
the 1st behavior:
change.Attribute my# To: game.IndexActor#
Rule: when
Attribute: my#=1
do this and that
Rule: when
Attribute: my#=2
do this and that
and stop the spawning by enclosing the all spawn behaviors in:
Rule: when
Attribute: game.IndexActor# ≤ 10
you can also do with Replicate