Games with Bombs, How did you make the Bomb spread other actors apart?
Member Posts: 1,095
Hi all, I have a game out, Bomb Extravaganza, and I am working on another game like it. In my game, I have a bunch of actors fly out from the bomb in random directions. If any of you have made games with bombs or something like it, how did you do the shrapnel?(make the surrounding actors spread apart)
EDIT: What I said below would make it so the farther away from the bomb the farther you would fly away, which is obviously wrong. So You would to have a constant DIVIDED by the magnitude value. sorry
EDIT: I meant above, not below! Sheeshh!
It doesn't use acceleration behaviors but instead directly manipulates the linear velocity of the scrap relative to where the blast occurred.
It was done in about 20 mins.
It is a shame that GameSalad doesn't consider Change Size a physics event.
Will this still work with two bombs on the screen?
I'm on my iPhone now. I'll update the demo when I get back.
It now uses gravity.
I was just doing some research for a new game I'm working on and needed something just like this to figure out explosions. Just wanted to thank you again for the demo.
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BTW, nice site.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I opened your "how to do a good blast" project and added 2 bombs onto the stage. I then created an actor to act as a trigger and made it set boom to 1 on press. For some reason it only works on one of the bombs though. It can't make them both go off at the same time. Any ideas?