So I created a game attribute boolean, called self on the ground
When the player jumps straight up using the spacebar, she can only jump once
When I put in a rule for her to jump at an angle, here's how I did it:
When all conditions are valid:
Actor receives event: Key, Space is down " " : Right Keyboard is down
Change attribute:
Self on the ground to : False
Timer: For .5 seconds Run to completion is checked
move direction: 28 relative to actor Move type: Additive
Speed: 175
Now what happens is when I hit the right and spacekey, she keeps jumping almost like she's triple jumping or floating, so she will keep jumping up to the right instead of landing on the ground, and resetting the jump
When the player jumps straight up using the spacebar, she can only jump once
When I put in a rule for her to jump at an angle, here's how I did it:
When all conditions are valid:
Actor receives event: Key, Space is down
" " : Right Keyboard is down
Change attribute:
Self on the ground to : False
Timer: For .5 seconds Run to completion is checked
move direction: 28 relative to actor Move type: Additive
Speed: 175
Now what happens is when I hit the right and spacekey, she keeps jumping almost like she's triple jumping or floating, so she will keep jumping up to the right instead of landing on the ground, and resetting the jump
How do I fix this?