Upgrade System
I am making a game that could use an upgrade system that uses “coins” to buy the upgrades. I have tried many different kinds of systems and either the coin count doesn’t save or it doesn’t add correctly. Can anybody help?
Now for your problem , sound like something is wrong with your code cause adding and reducing "coins" from an integer should be fairly easy ,
change attribute game.coins TO game.coins+10
change attribute game.coins TO game.coins-10
be more specific , what is the issue ?
The issue was I was trying to use the score as the currency and since every time the scene starts over, the score would go back to 0 along with the amount of coins I had. When I tried to make it add to the previous score, it would either change the amount of coins to 0 or make it a number a lot larger than what it should have been.
I think I'm going to stick with collectable coins instead of using the score.