Need help with color management with Photoshop
I tried a quick search with Google but I had too many beer this evening to use Google well.
The problem:
I'm preparing the graphic for my TOTB4 entry and I'm trying to do it in pixel art. I'm doing everything using multiple files and I wanted to keep some consistency with the colors I use. Is it possible with Photoshop to create a color palette (let's say of 256 colors) and use only the color in that palette to appear in the graphics?
The problem:
I'm preparing the graphic for my TOTB4 entry and I'm trying to do it in pixel art. I'm doing everything using multiple files and I wanted to keep some consistency with the colors I use. Is it possible with Photoshop to create a color palette (let's say of 256 colors) and use only the color in that palette to appear in the graphics?
What I want is to create a custom mode that uses only the colors I decide.
Finally...Don't drink 'n Ffffotoshhop.