How to get access to beta versions of gamesalad?

scrapee_netscrapee_net Member Posts: 424
edited January 2012 in Tech Support
I noticed that there are some "special"users that gets access to new versions of gamesalad before they get released to everyone. It's the case behind the creators of penguin glide, tshirtbooth, etc...

How they do this. Could I also be a beta tester?


  • David_GryphonsRealmDavid_GryphonsRealm Member Posts: 459
    edited January 2012
  • EinsteinAppsEinsteinApps Member Posts: 81
    The real question for me is how long the testing cycle lasts? Obviously there is a very stable build since 2+ users with the beta builds have released games on the app store with the new features. Coming from a software integration background I can tell you that you don't put you builds out for public consumption unless it is already approved for release, you only allow them to be stress tested in a controlled environment since it would be a terrible business practice to allow consumers to be afflicted with un tested products.
    I appreciate the open nature of game salad users, but I do have issues as a paying professional customer when I do not have access to the same options as others who are making money from a "beta" build that has still not been released. Maybe GS can explain to us why a build that has not been released to premium members would be released for app store publishing if it is not ready? Not much sense in having strict NDAs if I can go download the games now and see the pro features in action...
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