What kind of sales rates do you experience?
Wondering what kind of sales success you have had on your published and approved games?
Also wondering how free apps compare to pay apps.
Also wondering how free apps compare to pay apps.
I made one of my apps free for one day and ended up with a lot of 1 star ratings! Now not to say they weren't justified (the app I had for free is silly) but holy crude it was free...if you don't like it for free just delete it.
Many of the other developers on here usually stay away from offering the games up for free. It seems people that pay for something actually treat it with a little more respect then if they got it for me. I know I won't be doing it again...that is for sure. I did generate a ton of downloads but in the end I don't think it was worth it.
I figured most were in the first slot. I'd be surprised if a lot weren't in the 0 to 5 slot if there was one. There is *alot* of competition in that thar app stah.
I know I will likely have quite a few there too. :-| But at least I won't be going the Objective-C/SDK route!
I then saw it dwindle down. after a week it seems to have settled at around 10 per day. with a spike of 20ish on the weekends.
Couple free apps have days with close to a thousand.
Tiny monster (free and my first game which is ok at best) has just hit 18k in downloads and everytime i do an update i get over 3k of people upgrading. It will be interesting to see what returns i get from URL forwarding an app store link doodle mosnter.
I just upgraded so and made my first lite version
so we'll see how it goes too
I recommend you stay at $1.99 and release new ones every few months and reduce price with each new release. Create a franchise.
The game fans will keep with the new releases regardless.
Also...don't enslave yourself to an app.
Just some suggestions.
You may want to wait to release V2 until your version1 slows down a little...don't rush the releases.
Then by dropping V1 price to $.99...it will re-energize the old app just as your version 2 hits the wires at the premium rate.
And that attention will help improve V2 sales.
iPhone sales are about generating volume...
not 1 hit wonders...but if you get one...EXPLOIT IT!
Continue to play with the numbers and EXPLOIT success! Everything I have read recommends playing with pricing until you get the results you are looking for.
Just don't price yourself out though!
Might be good to do 1.99 for 2 days and really pimp it as a sale.
That way you get max chance to may e even hit top 50 or so for puzzle catagory
Once it's up there raise that baby to whatever you want while you got nothing to lose
i think it's easy for people to shell out 99 cents or even think about it for a minute and shell out 1.99.
3.99 is kind of hitting the danger zone. I think on e it's past 1.99 it just falls into the next catagory of not a cheap little app anymore
my point..... Don't risk your sales on day one. After that may as well go 5.99.
Once past 1.99 you may as well make the statement this game is for real.
Cheers, Weswog
Next game will hopefully sell 20,000,000 a month :-)
As I stated before, I raised the price of Archangel from $0.99 to $1.99 and did NOT notice any change in the number of sales. Considering there's nowhere to go (meaning lower) from $0.99, all my future titles will be $1.99 minimum.
I am still in the iTunes "What's Hot" section, which certainly helps, but doesn't have nearly the impact as it does to be on the phone itself.
Out of sight, out of mind...
Since i just won the Pro license, I am in the process of linking the LITE versions, as well as adding an "other games" section to each of the full apps. We'll see if that helps...
We only have 2 apps up
Avoid-em-up and iLullaby
Avoid averaged around 5-10 for a week, but has dropped of to maybe an average of 1 a day now.
Lullaby has been up for 4 days, and is averaging around 7-8 a day.
We've not done much plugging though, so I guess those sales are to be expected.
I'd hoped to get a few more to be honest!
Needless to say, my next iPhone app is not a game
i want that xbox elite and the macintosh 30" display! XD