Auto screen size

Chris FitsimonsChris Fitsimons Member Posts: 135
edited January 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Having given up waiting for Amazon to release the Kindle Fire in the UK, I had one shipped from the States. Love it, and understand why its so popular.

As a GS Pro developer and having the funds to purchase different devices to test on, the problem with screen size projects defined by iPad, iPhone, macbook etc should be addressed soon if possible.

While games look good iOS devices, the border issue on Android makes the games look a little unfinished and I get comments from people asking why the games have left/right borders.

It would be really nice if GS Team could just allow us to set screen size to 1024x800, 1200x600 etc etc Or just have the game auto size the screen to the device resolution.

Thanks and regards

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