Ensuring art assets are good for iPad, iPhone 4 and 3GS?
Hello everyone,
Currently having some troubles figuring out the scale that I should be working in to make sure all the art assets made for my app are going to work on all iOS devices. If I wanted an actor to be 50x50 on the screen, should I have it drawn at 100x100 for an iPhone 4, then resolution independence would halve it for a 3GS? If thats right then what should be done about iPad assets?
Currently having some troubles figuring out the scale that I should be working in to make sure all the art assets made for my app are going to work on all iOS devices. If I wanted an actor to be 50x50 on the screen, should I have it drawn at 100x100 for an iPhone 4, then resolution independence would halve it for a 3GS? If thats right then what should be done about iPad assets?
If you want a 50x50 in GS, design art at 100x100. With RI ticked, when you import the assets, it will automatically resize the actors ti half size. If a 3GS or below is used it will use half size images (creates a set at half size), if its a 4 or above it will select the image at full size.
Make sure your art when divided by 2 is an even number or it will blur. So don't create a 50x50 actor for RI, that would be 25x25 and wouldn't look good, round up to 52x52 so it would be 26x26.
As for iPad, the resolution is 1024x768, you'll need to resize your iPhone game size to iPad and either resize all your art to the dimensions you want for the iPad or just use your retina as there isn't much difference.
How good is GS at resizing stuff? Just so I know how far I can push an image in GS before it starts to blur because it has been stretched or squished too far.
if you √ Resolution Independence:
all your image files should be created/imported at twice the size of what you want on-screen (to utilize retina display)
and … GS (during build/Publish) will add… a set of all your images … that are half the size of those your project contains
thus your app will contain 2 sets of images (retina and duplicates at 0.5 W,H )
at this phase of our developerCareers … as all 4iOS and later devices are retina display …
and, iPad 3 will no doubt be retina … see: 9to5Mac
this might be time to start doing our images at 2xs the on-screen size and not checking the Resolution Independence
(resulting in more imagesMb in project … but, our apps will not have the extra half size images with their bloating bytes!)
hopefully, in the next build, GS will allow imageImports of 2048 W,H …
or, for iPad BGs we'll have to continue to replace them in the project's images folder
@};- MH
but, unchecking Preload Art will cause the image to not be loaded into RAM at scene load
using null images for actors will also do this …
and, then only calling for the image (changeAttribute self.image) during run-time will really enable you to keep RAM demands low.
@};- MH
One last point of issue, my main actor is 40x40 in the game, so should be 80x80 when brought into GS. However my artist made the main character at 28x28, but because it is pixel art the software it was made for allows it to be exported to png at 4 times the size, so it came out at 112x112. Is it ok to bring an actor in at a bigger size than necessary for HD, or will GS's blur it just from the amount of resizing?
I would import the 112x112 and do the sizing in the actorAttributes
@tutyses … I too find this RI thing so confusing! you import a larger size image
(2Xs the Width and Height you want to show on screen)
you make your actors the size you want then drag-in the larger image that you imported …
GS when you publish with Resolution Independence, adds a set of your images 1/2 size … and iOS knows what image size to use at runtime from a device's resolution display capacity.
@};- MH