Performance problem when I reset scene
After some performance problems in the last versions of Gamesalad, this week I have trying the new version (0.9.90) and some problems are fixed. But I have a big performance problem when I reset the scene.
In my game "The Police Story", when the police dies in some level, I pause the game with a scene that you can "reset level" or "Go to Home". If I "goto to home" and after I go to the level, the performance is perfect. But, If the police dies in some level, and I reset the scene, when unpause and reset level, the performance of the level is bad. In last versions I don't remember this problem :-(
What can I do?
PD: sorry for my english, I'm working about :-)
After some performance problems in the last versions of Gamesalad, this week I have trying the new version (0.9.90) and some problems are fixed. But I have a big performance problem when I reset the scene.
In my game "The Police Story", when the police dies in some level, I pause the game with a scene that you can "reset level" or "Go to Home". If I "goto to home" and after I go to the level, the performance is perfect. But, If the police dies in some level, and I reset the scene, when unpause and reset level, the performance of the level is bad. In last versions I don't remember this problem :-(
What can I do?
PD: sorry for my english, I'm working about :-)
a gameAttribute boolean: resetScene leave false
in scene for each level:
a small off-screen controlActor:
Rule: when
Attribute: game.resetScene =1 (true)
--Reset Scene Behavior
--Timer: After: 0.001 seconds
---changeAttribute: game.resetScene To: false
on actor for reset level in pauseScene:
Rule: when
touched is pressed
--changeAttribute: game.resetScene To: true
--Timer: After: 0.1 seconds
---Unpause game
think that probably do those things … and the video will help you more!
your English is good … better than some of my friends/family members!
@};- MH
thanks for your time ;-)
But I 'm using this system always. The problem is after I restart the scene: the performance is worse.
Curiously, when I use "change scene" to go the same scene, the performance is perfect. I think that "reset scene" don't reset completely.
@};- MH
I don't know how to use the tables yet. I need more time!!!! Thanks ;-)
I had a problem when I reseted scene with a sound that was "walking". For example, in level 2-5 I have a water hose that do a sound (size sound has only 14Kb!!!) and this causes low performance..
Two months ago, I sent to GameSalad a mail comment it. I think that GameSalad has a performance problem with sounds.