DIsplaying Japanese in GameSalad
I guess this question is more centered on whether or not iPhone/iPad displays foreign characters by default (i.e. the user does not have to change anything under Settings->General->International on their Apple device).
Working on my computer with my iPhone and iPad I can display some Japanese text in an actor, say こんにちは, by typing it into a Display Text behavior.
My question is, can I be sure that the Japanese will be displayed on others' devices if I publish a game? What about if it is published to the web as HTML5?
Please let me know any part of this did not make sense.
Thank you.
Working on my computer with my iPhone and iPad I can display some Japanese text in an actor, say こんにちは, by typing it into a Display Text behavior.
My question is, can I be sure that the Japanese will be displayed on others' devices if I publish a game? What about if it is published to the web as HTML5?
Please let me know any part of this did not make sense.
Thank you.
and, please let us know the results!
quick trick:
open System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard > √ Show Keyboard & Character Viewers in menu bar click[ Input Sources… ]
go down the list and check the languages you want the keyboards in …
Violá! you should see a miniature American flag on the right side of your menuBar …
click and the language keyboards you selected should show in the list with their flags
easy to switch back and forth
good to: click 'Show Keyboard Viewer' to pop-up a miniature (fully functional) keyboard on your desktop! …
which is easier to use if you are working in another language
this is so much fun! and so very functional! … Enjoy yourself!
@};- MH
though think the keyboard language is English! :-/
@};- MH
Thanks MH Garaibh Míle math agait (Thank you a million times in english)
J. Leonard
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of course, the Irish have English as a national language!
me maiden name are Houlihan!
@};- MH
At any rate, I tried to upload something to the GameSalad arcade to see if I could move around to different computers and test. However, it seems that the presence of a table in the code is preventing the app from running on the Web (also will not run if I choose Web Preview). Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this.
If anyone has a moment you could check out the project and see if some Japanese characters will display on your computer. It's up to any individual if they want to test on their Apple devices, but I can't make ad hoc builds (at least I don't think I can) so I won't ask anyone else do so. I haven't reached the point yet where I pony up the cash for an Apple Developer License; I do all my device testing on a jailbroken iPhone.
small app with Japanese display
You should also be able to find it in the GameSalad creator searching with either of the keywords "japanese" or "kanji"
From one quick test I did, it seems that foreign language characters will only display in Safari.
I put a small app on the GameSalad arcade to test out the display of Japanese text ( link )
No dice in Chrome or Firefox on my MacBook, but maybe that isn't surprising?
think it is worth your time to make the char glyphs as customFont images!
easy to do in your graphics program with entering text and saving as png (enhance with antialiasing )
view: Tshirtbooth's video
you can do app testing with TestFlight
hopefully, when GS gets away from Lua and into Xcode … we will have all the devices' native fonts accessible in our work!
@};- MH
"I guess this question is more centered on whether or not iPhone/iPad displays foreign characters by default (i.e. the user does not have to change anything under Settings->General->International on their Apple device)."
Thanks. That was my original plan, but now that GS finally has something akin to an array/dictionary I was hoping to use that to match the kanji to readings. Oh well, custom images works too.
with a text column 1 'the reading' and text column 2 'the kanji'
and use the imageName.png in column2
label your columns and follow the video: TSB - Label calls
once set up, a table would decrease your coding time/frustration and speed-up runtime
@};- MH
Although, then there is the other problem I am having. That being that tables don't seem to work for me with Web Publishing. I'll have to try another computer.
Can anyone else repeat this? I did start another thread on it, but no one has replied. Either indicating that I'm the only one with the problem or I'm the only interested in Web Publishing...