Delete more then one Soundfile

Hi Forum,
i loaded 400 Soundfiles in my Gamesalad Project. But now i need only 100. How can i delete more then one file. Its not possible to do a multi select for Sound files.
It works for images - but not with sound files.
please help
i loaded 400 Soundfiles in my Gamesalad Project. But now i need only 100. How can i delete more then one file. Its not possible to do a multi select for Sound files.
It works for images - but not with sound files.
please help
Open up the .gameproj project file (right-click and "show contents") and delete the sound files in the appropriate sub-directory (it is named "sounds" or something) and then remove the reference lines in the, I think (not on a Mac right now) "resource.xml" file, that reference the those deleted sounds.
That may be an easier way than in the GS app but it is more risky.
If you don't, your project may act funny or not respond at all (thus the warning).
BTW, sdpardue, you have that classic Unix hacker look (or mathematician/physicist) to your avatar! Most Unix hacker types I know sport the facial hair like you do. :-)