TOTB4 Emmental and the End of Days (old kipper)
In a time when we face a possible global environmental disaster, the drastic effects of radiation, meteorites, lightening, rain, rising/falling sea levels, and cheese can so alter the environment that life will not survive. I hope to highlight these problems by use of a user controlled scientific simulation laid out in a form that will educate the masses. With maniacal manipulation you can save the World or bring on Armageddon (and much amusement). The choice is yours. I will be posting images of the progress so far, but my concentration for the next few hours will be on recording 'kipper' generated audio (I note the requirement for self recorded sounds so I hope a wet armpit and garageband should be enough to get me under the limbo pole of TOTB4 law).
pip pip Old Kipper
pip pip Old Kipper
Haven't seen you for long time on the forums !
Sounds interesting , cant wait to see what you come up with mate ..
Waiting for some screens with anticipation
How come I don't see you on Skype anymore? Would be good to catch up
early design work with self portrait. Mr. Oz... I've been off working on getting a real life (failed).
rough design layout for closed system layout
tHe siM BaSic LAyouT as ArT...
adding in the graphics and animation I've been working on. Still lots more to go in...
When does TOTB4 finish?
Reality is overrated.
here be a small preview of the interface working. it gives a clue to what is going to be happening but...
think totb finishes on tuesday...
Keep bringing new updates about your progress !
Dunno what it is but looks awesome
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
edit. I forgot to mention the boat
one of Mr Reich's machines.
putting in the final machines after I get the animation done. will take a couple of hours....
Love the illustration art style and the animation....
If your even half as eccentric as your game ideas, you must be one hell of a guest for dinner parties
Im looking forward to more updates on this one......
I will put it in my Dropbox if you want it. Please mail me at info at Lumpapps dot com.
I love your project. Your style is great as always. True talent if you ask me. Now finish this project!!!
Lump Apps and My Assets
@chunkpixels Currently I am only eating flat food that can be slid under the door. WIll let you know when I have had time to wash and get out of pyjamas as I could do with a good feed.
Lump Apps and My Assets
@ludwig unfortunately I don't have the evil programming skills to create Dutch weather...
Got in all this screens worth of interface with animation but still have so much to do- meteors, lightening and orgone energy. Then its creatures and programming.
Keep posting progress keeper !
@pom I hope you will be able to and there will be consequences. I've got in and have working the cloudbusting love machine and the Van der Graaf generator and have them working on the environment. These I hope to be able to put into the general feed back system so it all becomes a balancing act that spawns life and screws the planet big time if you don't. I still have the meteorites to sort out (poking the moon will knock bits off and prolonged poking will send it crashing down. I am knackered after 16 hours on this today but I may just animate the fish lifeforms before bed.
this mornings design doc. so much to do and so little time...
the interface is in, every switch and animation is working and functional! YIPPIE! I've yet to wire in the generation of life and disasters but its coming along. The audio will make huge difference I hope to the experience but now it gameplay, gameplay, gameplay... lifeforms, explosions, a few surprises and more spelling mistakes. Above is a rough guide to the interface.
p.s. I may put up a vid once the sound is in...