how i solve this 2 problems on my iPad viewer?
1st problem is that i make perfect circles images 24 png say 400x400 then i add it to a actor 200x200, on the mac gamesalad preview my circle looks normal, but on the iPad viewer and also if i make a adhoc file that circle looks like oval. and my second problem is that on my menu levels each level loads and display highscore, so let say i play level 1 and i get 500 points, on the level menu is does load that score, this is playing on the mac gs viewer (everything works fine here ), but now if i open the iPad viewer when i go to my menu levels, level 1 is displaying like 2199 points already even that i have not play any levels,(i think this is one of the first score i got when i first created the game) . do i need to reset the viewer, scores, load and save attributes?