Unlockables HELP

DEGOMobileDEGOMobile Member Posts: 43
edited January 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Ok, I'm creating a Go-Kart game.the default Go Kart will be Red, but I want to know how to add the option for users, to go into the store option in my app, click a different color go kart and use that color in the game, and then when they want to use another one they go back to store, and click another one... PLEASE HELP
~DEGO Mobile


  • App SurgeApp Surge Member Posts: 651
    Hey there DEGOMobile,

    First create 3 boolean attributes: red, green, and blue.
    Then make three actors besides your main go-cart actor (let's call them redcart greencart and bluecart.
    In redcart have a rule that says when touch is pressed change attribute game.red to true, change attribute game.green to false and change attribute game.blue to false.
    In greencart have a rule that says when touch is pressed change attribute game.green to true, change attribute game.red to false and change attribute game.blue to false.
    In bluecart have a rule that says when touch is pressed change attribute game.blue to true, change attribute game.red to false and change attribute game.green to false.

    In your main cart character have a rule that says when game.red is true change image to "whateveryourredcartimageiscalled" otherwise when game.green is true change image to "whateveryourgreencartimageiscalled" and in the same otherwise section say when game.blue is true change image to "whateveryourbluecartimageiscalled"

    Those are just the basics to making a cart select screen. You can get more complicated with virtual currency and other cool things!

    Hope this helps,
    Henry Abrams

    P.S. If this is too confusing I've got a demo that I can send you if you email me at henry_abrams@comcast.net
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    I think I have a better to do this

    Make an attribute set it to 1 int

    When attribute=1

    Make the red image alpha to 1, the others 0(you will want your colors under your actor)

    And then when 2 change it to whatever color you want, etc
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