Sell Your app on a website
I am curious, if I want to sell my app for iphones, could I put a download link on my website of the game and charge 99 cents for a download? instead of going through the apple app store?
Just wondering if this is in fact, possible. And if anyone here has done this before.
Just wondering if this is in fact, possible. And if anyone here has done this before.
you have to pay the transaction fees (35¢/per unless you combine transactions and only submit a bulk on a weekly/monthly basis)
and credit-card-charges fees (percentage of the amount)
to say nothing about the bandwidth fees, if you sell a lot in one day (once you go over your limit, you will pay for each download)
if you increase you bandwidth, you will pay monthly whether not you make any sales.
and, in any event, the app wont work on iOS as they need to be codeSigned with the purchasers account info by iTunes
think giving Apple that 29¢ is a bargain for eliminating hassles with online sales! … and, I'll take my 70¢ and say 'Thank you'
@};- MH
@};- MH