☜☆☞ Parallax layer with particles... gun fire in the distance? ☜☆☞
Ok...quick question...
Has anyone ever managed to have a layer which is spawning particles that is moving on a parallax and have the particles move with it.... (as if its a background or foreground layer).
See more on parallax here:
I'm trying to add some distant machine gun fire in the dark (like a war zone) into my game. So had a actor moving on a parallax in the background. But as the camera moves the particles that are being fired out, don't move accordingly with the cameras position so are not on the parallax....obviously the particles become non scrolling and as the emitter actor moves the particles are fired out at different positions.
So what am I asking?....
Is there a way to have spawned particles move its position along with the actor that spawned them?
If not I could just make a png sequence and have that instead... but thought I'd ask the forum..just incase
Has anyone ever managed to have a layer which is spawning particles that is moving on a parallax and have the particles move with it.... (as if its a background or foreground layer).
See more on parallax here:
I'm trying to add some distant machine gun fire in the dark (like a war zone) into my game. So had a actor moving on a parallax in the background. But as the camera moves the particles that are being fired out, don't move accordingly with the cameras position so are not on the parallax....obviously the particles become non scrolling and as the emitter actor moves the particles are fired out at different positions.
So what am I asking?....
Is there a way to have spawned particles move its position along with the actor that spawned them?
If not I could just make a png sequence and have that instead... but thought I'd ask the forum..just incase