Explicitly declare in the manifest (for Android) which screen sizes your application supports
Dear Gamesalad,
By being able to explicity declare in the manifest which screen sizes your application supports (http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html) we could publish to a variety of android device sizes reliably. I envision this as a drop-down in the Android Publishing workflow. This would be incredibly valuable as we could reliably do versions for 480x800 devices, larger devices, etc. As of now, we have to write descriptors that say "this is optimized for this screen size" but people miss these descriptors, load it on different screen sizes and then leave terrible reviews. This is frustrating as I feel we are sooo close to being able to publish to a variety of Android handsets reliably. Thank you for considering this suggestions.
By being able to explicity declare in the manifest which screen sizes your application supports (http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html) we could publish to a variety of android device sizes reliably. I envision this as a drop-down in the Android Publishing workflow. This would be incredibly valuable as we could reliably do versions for 480x800 devices, larger devices, etc. As of now, we have to write descriptors that say "this is optimized for this screen size" but people miss these descriptors, load it on different screen sizes and then leave terrible reviews. This is frustrating as I feel we are sooo close to being able to publish to a variety of Android handsets reliably. Thank you for considering this suggestions.
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