Confused about Touch1, Touch2, etc.....
I ran one of my "sleeping" projects on the iPad viewer today, a top-down shooter. It has joystick control and fire button. Anyhow, I noticed that I can control the player at the same time as press the fire button, both working fine at the same time. Both these actor have when Touch1 is pressed.
I always thought that I'd need Touch1 and Touch2 for both to work at the same time.... so if I don't, what is the purpose of more than one Touch attribute in Devices then? (Using two fingers to enlarge and reduce, I guess, but if touch1 works on two controls at once , still why do we need more? Anyone can explain please?
Your Sincerely
Confused of Kent, UK ;-)
I always thought that I'd need Touch1 and Touch2 for both to work at the same time.... so if I don't, what is the purpose of more than one Touch attribute in Devices then? (Using two fingers to enlarge and reduce, I guess, but if touch1 works on two controls at once , still why do we need more? Anyone can explain please?
Your Sincerely
Confused of Kent, UK ;-)
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Touch is pressed is not linked to a specific Touch # and will register regardless of how many fingers you have on the screen .
We need Touch1 and Touch2 and Touch3 etc , mainly for multitouch constrains , so 1 actor can be constrained to 1 finger , and another actor to a different finger .
Also , we need "touch count" for multiple proposes , one of them can be to determine the finger # that currently pressing the actor.
Hope that this clarify things a bit
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
if you mean double tap, no. You would create a attribute for that and record the amount of taps within a certain time period.
For Example:
When touch is pressed
- change attribute tapCount to tapCount+1
-timer after .5 seconds change attribute tapcount to 0 (run to completion checked)
when tap count=2
-do double tap stuff
What there referring to in this thread is multitouch.
How many fingers are toucing the screen at once, position of the first finger and the second finger, ect.