Missing icon for iPad builds
I know there are problems with Mac apps and missing icons, but has anyone had problems with iPad apps and mission icons?
I tried to submit an iPad app tonight and I get this error message from the Application Loader:
"iPad: Icon.png: icon dimensions (0 x 0) don't meet the size requirements. The icon file must be 72 x 72 pixels, in .png format"
Does anyone have a solution? Will this be fixed in 0.9.91?
I tried to submit an iPad app tonight and I get this error message from the Application Loader:
"iPad: Icon.png: icon dimensions (0 x 0) don't meet the size requirements. The icon file must be 72 x 72 pixels, in .png format"
Does anyone have a solution? Will this be fixed in 0.9.91?
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
It was ok few hrs ago, after itunesconnect server maintenance i made another ipad build for my game and uploaded but got this error instead.
Don't think its the icon problem, could be GS compilation problem cos earlier builds hrs ago was fine.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
If anyone figures out a solution- (other file format, like jpg, gif, tif, rif, mif, ziffyzif or whatever that works, let us know.) Good catch on the iTunes maintenance thing, I noticed that ITC was down for a while and maybe something did change.
I hope its fixed soon!
I didn't report the bug. I'll report it tomorrow if no one does before then. Right now I need to sleep, since I just spent the night trying to get this to work :-(
the same game i uploaded to android market fine, but then again android market doesn't have this check in place do they?
I'm trying to get my binary uploaded.
Still does not work even with new icons created.
I really need to upload this binary quick .
I tried to submit an iPad app last night, and when I used the Application Loader, I received the error message "iPad: Icon.png: icon dimensions (0 x 0) don't meet the size requirements. The icon file must be 72 x 72 pixels, in .png format"
I used Show Package Contents to see the contents of the .app file and sure enough there is an icon.png file in there that is blank with no actual image. I tried to replace that ping file in the package, but that breaks code signing so the Application still won't accept the file.
I hope there is quick fix. It is very demoralizing to spend weeks working on a game and then go to upload it and it won't work.
You can see more about the issue with feedback from another user here:
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I and am in contact with GS about the issue and providing them the project file and icon I used right now.
you will see this post in the link above. there is a link to the application loader 2.5.1
There's an issue with OS X 10.7.3 that breaks icon validation. Download Application Loader 2.5.1 from iTunes Connect in order to resolve the problem:
So snow leopard nd 2.5.1 app loader to work too?
(Update) wow thx for the advice seems like 2.5.1 saved the day!!
Their app loader interface gets bigger every update :P
glad it solved your problem as well.
Here is the link the new application loader since the other link in mu-kowAPPS post doesn't work:
Thanks again mu-kow
- Jeff