Temple Jump marketing strategy

CoolgamerCoolgamer Member Posts: 16

It was shocking to see in the news about Temple Jump(0.99 Cents) today.. From the reviews I found that it was indeed the world's most pathetic game but don't know why people were still buying it like crazy.. Probably the developer would have earned around 20-30 grands($20000-$30000) just today..
It's shocking to see that why did Apple approve the game even though his icon and name were so similar to "Temple Run".. That is not just right.. Moreover the game jumped to the first spot on the app store paid apps.. Also, the developer just posted one picture for it, so nobody could see the gameplay.. I have heard that this has happened before too..

If anybody bought the game please share your thoughts..:)

Seems like Apple needs to be more careful while selecting apps to publish to the appstore..
Though I must say that the Temple jump's developer's marketing strategy worked for ripping up $1 from so many people's..:P



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