Floors and Enemies

triton13triton13 Member Posts: 161
edited February 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Okay so I have two questions. The first is about floors. When I make my floor and have my actor collide with it, how come when I jump or something of that sort, my actor bounces? The second question is about enemies. How can I make my enemies spawn and run at me shooting there gun when they see me?


  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    To stop the bouncing, change the restitution to 0. Its in the actors physics attributes
  • triton13triton13 Member Posts: 161
    Alright, that worked. Thank you very much =) Now I need to figure out about the enemies. I want them to run at my character and shoot at me. How can I do that?
  • SAZ_1SAZ_1 Member Posts: 397
    edited February 2012
    ok next part ... create 2 real game attributes ... called player X and player Y... constrain your characters x and y to these positions... then tell your bad guys, to move towards player X and player Y (use anything thats works best, change linear x or move or accelerate) .. with in the bad guys just add a spawn actor every 1 second or so called bullets... that should do it... you can improve this by working out magnitude and such so that when they are at a certain distance from the character they won't do anything and when they are near to your character they shoot.
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