➚➚➚ Stormys - Audio Invaders Blog and Facebook Page...
Hey world...
Well after a morning of working on a website for someone else (a professional London Based florists site)... I needed to research setting up a blog that could be updated by the computer illiterate.
So this led me to looking into integrating a WordPress blog into my website (as a test).. which led me to creating a whole blog and a Facebook page just for my new game 'audio invaders' ready to get the marketing ball rolling...
Please check out the main blog here:
and the summary version built into my website
and my new Audio Invaders FaceBook page here (I'm working out how to make my blog automatically update my Facebook page...WordPress really is quite intuitive and powerful...the iPad and iPhone app seem to work perfectly so I can blog about indie game design on the go.).
I've managed to add some WordPress plugins so Facebook 'like' buttons are added after each post...and also did some actually php coding (mostly copying and pasting) to get the wordpress blog into my website for the summary version... Was incredibly chuffed and surprised when that worked.
Anyway...please take a look, and errr...follow and 'like' stuff I guess. Finally getting on board the social network wagon... hopefully once I start creating teaser videos, promos, art work and stuff it will allow for a proper following to build up ready for the release...
Well after a morning of working on a website for someone else (a professional London Based florists site)... I needed to research setting up a blog that could be updated by the computer illiterate.
So this led me to looking into integrating a WordPress blog into my website (as a test).. which led me to creating a whole blog and a Facebook page just for my new game 'audio invaders' ready to get the marketing ball rolling...
Please check out the main blog here:
and the summary version built into my website
and my new Audio Invaders FaceBook page here (I'm working out how to make my blog automatically update my Facebook page...WordPress really is quite intuitive and powerful...the iPad and iPhone app seem to work perfectly so I can blog about indie game design on the go.).
I've managed to add some WordPress plugins so Facebook 'like' buttons are added after each post...and also did some actually php coding (mostly copying and pasting) to get the wordpress blog into my website for the summary version... Was incredibly chuffed and surprised when that worked.
Anyway...please take a look, and errr...follow and 'like' stuff I guess. Finally getting on board the social network wagon... hopefully once I start creating teaser videos, promos, art work and stuff it will allow for a proper following to build up ready for the release...
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
hopefully it will grow into something worth while...
Just got back from pub ... when I entered the pub all was fine ... had a few beers... some relaxed chit chat with fellow fathers .... when i left there was 2 inches of snow.... damn thats confusing after a few brewskies...
night all...
Also now have my blog automatically post to twitter as well...
So hopefully reaching the perfect situation...where I can just update my blog happily from my laptop, my phone or my iPad...
and it will automatically post a link and title to
- Facebook
- Twitter
- My website
- And my actual blog..
So for a small amount of effort I can be looking pretty social.
Now I just need to finsih my game..