Backing up your work is very important !!

POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
edited February 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey all ,
Backing up your work is very important , personally i use DropBox to back up all my game projects and art , you know , just in case someone will break into my place and still all my machines .
I noticed something today , DropBox is giving you extra 5GB free added to the 2GB you get for free account .
All you have to do is test their new beta ;)

So you can get 5GB extra today to back up all your "unbacked up" GameSalad projects !

I just made the process and i already got 3GB extra , (for every 500 mb you upload you get another 500mb free , up-to 5GB) .

Just thought its worth to let you know .



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