good link...personally i dont trust anyone to advertise my apps as per say... a standard advert is fine but something like this us individuals should never consider... that said i think apple should be working harder to fix this... i've seen many a time the EXACT same app in the top 100 more than once?! how does that work out then? these things stop the indie dev from making it to the top or anywhere near.
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
Yeah I got offered a Deal that was supposed to put a game into top 25 They charged like $5 per review and they would download from loads of accounts and leave loads of reviews. To be honest this kind of service should be Criminal. It is a complete disservice to the consumer if the reviews left on itunes have been paid for.
apple's making the same money from bots than from humans it doesn't bother them as long as there are downloads. history repeats itself and, what happens eons ago will bound to happen to iTunes store... as long as money is involved, people will find a way to take them.
Apple makes no money from bots or humans when the download is a free-app
as I doubt these hustlers are offering to make bots to download paid games … there is no money involved
alas, since the iTunes App Store … is almost autonomous from Apple, Inc. … many problems with overseeing content and user's actions/behaviors have escalated to the realm of ridiculous!
keep hounding iTunes App Store and follow-up with complaints to Apple!
Actually, as ultima said, more downloads means more iAP.
Just take a look at the top grossing apps, and you'll see, the ones that are using this bot scam are in the top grossing apps, one of them is #6 top grossing Very despicable
if only i know who the bot farmers were lol.. but on the 2nd thought, i probably wouldn't go that route, crooked crap always gets you no where. might make good money for short time but it'll probably be spend like nothing and you'll drop back to where you were in no time...
though he says he was warned that Apple knows about this … think he actually was being told: not to bother contacting Apple
It is in our professional interest that every time we become aware of fraudulent schemes … we should notify Apple! …
@};- MH
as I doubt these hustlers are offering to make bots to download paid games … there is no money involved
alas, since the iTunes App Store … is almost autonomous from Apple, Inc. … many problems with overseeing content and user's actions/behaviors have escalated to the realm of ridiculous!
keep hounding iTunes App Store and follow-up with complaints to Apple!
@};- MH
though, download doesn't always = iAP purchases … still volume downloads would generate more likelihood of purchase
@};- MH
Just take a look at the top grossing apps, and you'll see, the ones that are using this bot scam are in the top grossing apps, one of them is #6 top grossing