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Asher Scott
Asher Scott
Thanks for making this free!
It's a nice little collection - some nice retro-ish graphics and music
I have some feedback if you want to hear it:
-The beginning bit with the instructions has four white boxes - perhaps a better visual signifier would be graphics that show the directions - it would also look a little more polished and possibly give a better first impression to players!
-An instruction screen for each game would be nice too, one that comes up just before a level starts perhaps. Just so people know what the goal of the game is!
-I was a bit confused as to why the lives/health was where it was. Better use of the screen would have been to put them at the top somewhere I feel
*Get Got - Really liked this one, but I found it got a little dull after a few levels. I'd suggest adding a value that diminishes your health each time you get shot with your own bullet if you can.
-There's some nice stuff going on with the level design and the X/Y wrap, and you can shoot your own bullets to 'save' yourself, so this would be a nice little addition that would add an extra layer of strategy I feel. Give it a go, see what you think
*Dash - nice idea, and I like the escalating build-up. I'd consider adding a timer though for each ship to reach its destination, just to give it that extra sense of urgency. It could reset when a ship gets to its goal
-Additionally, I found that my ship would not 'fit' in a particular space between oncoming enemies - hard to describe really - let's say I move up four times - I'm not completely safe from enemies above or below me sometimes, as the graphics overlap the 'lane' I'm on. Think of Frogger - you can only get killed by things on your level, not things above or below you (as far as I remember!)
-Best of the bunch this one, really enjoyed it! Again, I'd add a timer to add a sense of urgency to proceedings, just for that extra sparkle!
-I did find that I pressed 'Right' too many times by accident - my fault, sure, but a visual reminder might help. Consider putting graphics in that show where the direction boxes are on-screen, and perhaps allowing the user to adjust the opacity (so they can be full on, or completely invisible, or anything in-between!)
(btw - if you do put in timers, experiment with them! See how long a level should last - maybe start it off with a generous amount, then diminish this amount every level. Let the player get back some time by performing certain actions perhaps. Experiment!
You certainly seem to be getting a grasp of this 'pacing' thing, which is rare these days and a real joy to see, so sincere congrats on that! I think a little more time spent on each of the games would have made them that little bit more playable/addictive.
Nice one though! I played it for quite a while!
DDr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
BTW QS on Get-Got the bullets do hurt you, but it seems to not always happen I'll have to look at the rule to see why.
Thanks David I hope you enjoy.
Get your free copy of the first volume in the B-Side Games Retro collection.
Asher Scott