Spawn an actor when one reaches a point on the stage. Please Help!
Hello All,
So basically I am creating a distance game. Right now to spawn a random actor I am using a timer so after a set amount of time spawn an actor at random. What I want to do is once the current actor on stage, it's Y reaches, say 150 to spawn a new random actor or to start the timer which will spawn a random actor. Hopefully what I am trying to get help with makes since. Thanks in advance!
So basically I am creating a distance game. Right now to spawn a random actor I am using a timer so after a set amount of time spawn an actor at random. What I want to do is once the current actor on stage, it's Y reaches, say 150 to spawn a new random actor or to start the timer which will spawn a random actor. Hopefully what I am trying to get help with makes since. Thanks in advance!
Now when your actor reaches Y > 150
Change "game.spawn actor now" TO true .
Now in your spawner actor have a rule
When "game.spawn actor now" IS true
- spawn actor
- change "game.spawn actor now" To false (to reset the process) .
Hope it helps you .
have actor off-screen with:
Rule: when
Attribute: self.Time ≥ 1
changeAttribute: self.Position.X To: random(min,max)
changeAttribute: self.Position.Y To: random(min,max)
Rule: when (Any)
Attribute: self.Position.Y ≥ 150
Attribute: self.Position.Y ≤ 30
--Spawn with Direction: random(0,359) relative to scene/actor
--and random for Up and Left relative to Scene
all the actors should spawn a newActor one time
@};- MH
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