Hi there.! Thanks in advance ! I follow the tutorial of create random spawn actor by tshirtbooth but when I put the actor in the scene it won't start spawning, why? I check everything
i did it MotherHoose, but they just appear not like the video, falling from the top side, why?? how can i control how much the spawn actor show off ? let say...i only want 10 coin to fall only not continuing falling automatically..
How can i create a button that called let say..Start , when the player press it the whole scene start animate, falling object, ect.?? if you need any help or something let me know sweet heart thanks in advance
did you copy/paste the expressions? … it is better to select the expressions …
to copy/paste both the expressionEditor for the one you are copying and the expressionEditor for the one you are pasting-in, must be open to do so.
@};- MH
I check if all the expression is the same, it is...
does it spawn one time? or not?
@};- MH
if you are in iPhone platform, they maybe spawning off-screen …
also have a textDisplay actor that displays the random number …
@};- MH
how can i control how much the spawn actor show off ? let say...i only want 10 coin to fall only not continuing falling automatically..
gameAttribute Index Type name coinsSpawned … leave it 0
Rule: when
Attribute: game.coinsSpawned < 10
----do spawn
----changeAttribute: game.coinsSpawned To: game.coinsSpawned+1
if the coin is destroyed … then just before the Destroy behavior
--changeAttribute: game.coinsSpawned To: game.coinsSpawned-1
@};- MH
asking for help, is not "bothering" on this forum!
@};- MH
you might try this …
-add a scene named PauseScene
-put Start button there … with behavior Unpause Game
in the playScene
-have a controlActor (>Graphics:Visible unchecked) with the Pause Game behavior
that way your playScene will show … but nothing will be active until player taps Start
@};- MH
btw do you know why when the actor spawn fell in the floor the actor somehow follow my main character when he (main character) walk forward...????