Music Copyright
I have plans to make a app with short pieces of popular music.(5 a 10 seconds)
Why I would tell later!
But may I use some pieces (Max. 10 seconds) music such as from Coldplay?
Why I would tell later!
But may I use some pieces (Max. 10 seconds) music such as from Coldplay?
Its not okay to steal a sandwich even if your only gonna take one bite and put it back right?
unless he runs a black-market for transplants!
or the government decides to regulate Emotional Properties
@};- MH
"But may I use some pieces (Max. 10 seconds) music such as from Coldplay?"
That is an absolute 100% solid gold . . . . . . NO !! 8-X
"You can use it if you pay the licensing rights for it . . . "
Yep, absolutely, and for a Coldplay track expect to pay at least £250,000 - even for just 10 seconds.
Thank you for your answers!
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
"It's ridiculous!
Thank you for your answers!"
When you have a big hit, a game that does really well for you , something you are really proud of, artwork you spent months on, code you spent months on, really great reviews from numerous respected websites, Apple even features it in their highlights of the month, sales are beginning to pick up, if the buzz about the game keeps on building at this rate in a couple of months you will start to see some serious sales and some serious money . . . . you are approached by a couple of companies who want to promote your game, they invest money in everything from radio ads to online promotion . . . . .
. . . . . . just then someone you have never met or know anything about sees your impressive efforts and decides that he's going to stick out a game based on yours, whole chunks of his game are nearly identical to yours, the overall design, the game play, even the characters are nearly identical, and he's had no work to do, no struggling for 18 months learning Photoshop and Inkscape and Gamesalad, he just copies your design and characters, he even uses a near identical name for the game . . . no development costs . . . no sleepless nights . . . . . no promotion costs . . . (in fact your promotion will promote his game).
How would you feel about that ? Would you be cool to see 5 or 6 rip off titles in the App store the week after you upload yours, and to see your income take a nosedive ?
It's an over the top example, but those 10 years of learning the guitar and doing band practice while everyone else went on holiday and spending your money on rehearsal studios and a compressor and yet more patch bay leads and that van you hired for that gig 180 miles away and so on and so forth (a decade of dedication) . . . .after all that kind of thing it's always going to be difficult to watch someone simply take the product of a lifetime's craft and use it for free.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS