graphic designer toolbox...

harrioharrio Member Posts: 234
what's cookin,

hey chefs, i found another great tool for the graphicly challenged. it's called 'graphic designer toolbox'. you can make; tiled textures, buttons, icons, text and logos. it has powerful drag n drop filters and all that yadda yadda stuff. but basically, it's an easy way to make cool graphics for you game scenes, menus, title and pause scenes...whatever. the demo trial is unlimited duration and functionality. it only limits the size of what you can save. check it out...

they even have an irc channel for support...hint, hint head chef.

this will add some needed spices to the salad.

you can add this to the tool set wiki if it meets your approval codemonkey.


  • KamazarKamazar Member Posts: 287
    While I'd probably stick with GIMP (and get Illustrator later if my game profit is decent), this would definitely be useful for the GUI-challenged users, and even for me from time to time.
  • harrioharrio Member Posts: 234
    what's cookin,

    hey k, that's exactly why i included it. it will help the art challenged to still get quality buttons, icons, textures, backgrounds or whatever into their games.

    have you taken a gander at it's right on par with illustrator feature wise. but you can't beat the price.
  • KamazarKamazar Member Posts: 287
    Yeah, I did a while back cuz of the vector graphics. Didn't really use it because (unless I'm wrong) it won't export .png files, and I don't think it supports any others that handle transparency (again, maybe wrong, I've been kinda lazy trying it out).
  • harrioharrio Member Posts: 234
    what's cookin,

    hey k, it definately exports png. i'm using it for the art in my game and i'm exporting all png's. i'm going to do a little write up after the game to show newbies that it is just as capable and in some ways moreso than ai or any other vector apps.

    but i don't force things on anyone, i merely suggest.
  • KamazarKamazar Member Posts: 287
    hmmm, interesting. didn't know. Maybe for my next game, considering if I switched over right now, I'd screw up the entire style. thx for the tip, though. almost gave up on inkscape.
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