Mac Production Profile Install Error
I've published a couple games in the past on the MAS with the older OSX/Xcode, but now with the new system: I've got a Development profile successfully installed, but I'm getting an error when I try to install a Production Profile. I've created the certificates and everything. This is the error, anyone else experience this?
Profile installation failed
could not be installed due to an unexpected error.
Tried googling this but am getting Mac server-related issues instead.
Profile installation failed
could not be installed due to an unexpected error.
Tried googling this but am getting Mac server-related issues instead.
I am having the same issue. Here are screenshots. Shot 2014-09-13 at 6.57.08 AM.png?dl=0 Shot 2014-09-13 at 6.57.29 AM.png?dl=0
Did you ever get the problem fixed?