Stopping sounds
My sounds all work fine. I just can't get them to stop when I click onto the next scene. If I click the first one, then the sound plays but if I click through to the next scene, that sound continues. Any thoughts?
Oh and if I click on the next scene, I get the second sound playing as well!!
Oh and if I click on the next scene, I get the second sound playing as well!!
When importing a file as a sound, it will stop when moving to the next scene, just make sure you have "run to completion"
Make sure: Import all your music ( not the background music if you have one ) as a "Sound File" into your
project. Then in your rules, drag in the sound and make sure you have !unchecked! "run to completion" In this case, when you move on to the next scene the sound currently played will stop to play..
Will close the whole thing overnight and see if anything changes!
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Remove your sounds, and import them again as a sound file!!
As FryingBaconStudios said, you must be using a music file!
Just checked all 26 and it's not clicked 'play to completion' on any of them. It will play the sound on the first scene but not on any of the others now. also If the sound on the first scene is playing, I can click onto the next scene and the sound from the first one continues. :-(
that is really weird. I sent you a PM back!
and, of course, the little ones can resist touching the screen!
you could try:
a boolean sceneAttribute: Busy (unchecked)
on every scene
on Actor that registers the touch:
Rule: when
Event: touch is pressed
Attribute: scene.Busy is false
--Play Sound
--changeAttribute: scene.Busy To: true
Rule: when
Attribute: scene.Busy is true
--Timer: After: duration of sound
----changeAttribute: scene.Busy To: false
on NextButton:
have its Color Alpha set to: 0
Rule: when
Attribute: scene.Busy is true
--changeAttribute: self.Color.Alpha To: 1 (or interpolate to 1)
Rule: when
Event: touch is pressed
Attribute: self.Color.Alpha is 1
Attribute: scene.Busy is false
@};- MH