Can an actor be destroyed touching it twice?

ZombiebrainsZombiebrains, PRO Posts: 296
edited February 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi guys

I have a series of different actors spawning off screen to the left, rotating and moving to the right. When they are touched, they fade to black...takes 3 second.

What I would like idealy is when they have completed fading they will destroy but they still keep on scrolling across (NOW INVISIBLE) and they player can still touch it repeated times and score points. What I want to happen is once its touched, destroy itself after its completd fading or if the player pressed it again it destroys itself.

My question is...can GS know if an actor has been touched twice and it knows it has:?

I suppose I could use an attribute called 'Touch' and register each time it has and then tell GS to destory the actor if say 'Touch' = 2.

I just wanted to know if there is an easier way of doing this problem.

Thanks in advance :)

Thanks in advance...

It takes a Zombie to know a Zombie!!!


  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited February 2012
    Your question is a little confusing.

    "What I would like idealy is when they have completed fading they will destroy but they still keep on scrolling across"

    If an actor is destroyed it cannot continue to scroll across the screen, or do anything at all, as it has been removed from the scene.

    Do you simply want an actor to fade to invisible when touched - and then further touches of our now invisible actor scores additional points ?
  • ZombiebrainsZombiebrains, PRO Posts: 296
    Hi TS

    That sounds very logical and I'll try that and see if it works in my game scenario. I keep forgetting about that fact you can add more than one attribute in a rule.

    Thanks guys for your help :)

    I'll report back if it works

    It takes a Zombie to know a Zombie!!!

  • ZombiebrainsZombiebrains, PRO Posts: 296
    wow, thanks TSB

    That works a treat and its been bugging me for ages - such a logical answer.

    Thanks again :)

    It takes a Zombie to know a Zombie!!!

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