Help please

nakki1718nakki1718 Member Posts: 25
edited February 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi, I have objects in every scene and the scene attribute so that i can change the amount in each level but when it hits zero its not spawning the correct actors it is on the first level where there is 1 object but after that its not working. If this makes sense any help would be appreciated. Thank you!


  • fzeedfzeed Member Posts: 247 there only supposed to be X actors on scene at a time and everytime one is destroyed spawn another one?
    Is it a counter so when X=0 do this type rule?
    Is it supposed to only spawn X actors but it is only spawning one?
  • nakki1718nakki1718 Member Posts: 25

    Basically there are (for eg) 20 scenes on first one there is 1 object 2 on the next 3 after that andso on. When the last object is demolished x=0 the next scene actor is spawned and the player clickstip thee next scene. On level one it works fine but I can not get it to work from 2 onwards. I have the scene attribute in place and just don't know what is wrong lol it's prob something really simple

    Sorry if I've confused you more lol
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