Automatically convert your project to ANY size

balsamicodebalsamicode Member Posts: 36
edited February 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey everyone,

are you interested in an online converter that resizes your project to ANY of the available GS platform formats? (iPad, Kindle, 720p etc.)

The converter will be able to adjust: behaviors, complex x/y coordinates, actor & graphics size, table values (if related to project size)

Meaning not just the normal scene x/y coords and graphics are recalculated, behaviors like acceleration/move and complex x/y values (expression editor) are also correctly adjusted. If a game project is properly done, converting it needs no manual adjustment. ATM there is no such solution AFAIK.

If enough people want this, I'll put up a website where you can upload and convert your projects. Small projects are free, bigger ones cost a few bucks. Convert your iPad project with one click to iPhone, GS Arcade, Macbook etc.!

What do you think? Would you use the converter for your projects? Any other feats the converter should have? Let me know!


  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited February 2012
    I would certainly use it !

    Great idea by the way.
  • JeffreyShimaneJeffreyShimane Member Posts: 372
    It's a nice idea but uploading your projects is a dealbreaker for me (and I would imagine most developers would have a problem with it too).

    - Jeff
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599

    "It's a nice idea but uploading your projects is a dealbreaker"

    Actually . . . that's a good point ! I'd be happier simply buying the converter to use on my computer.
  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    I agree, I'd use it if we could download it to our Mac's.
  • EatingMyHatEatingMyHat Member Posts: 1,246
    edited February 2012
    How is it different from Deep Blue Project Resizer?

    And no, I will never upload my project to an unknown or known website

    Follow Eating My Hat on Facebook and the Blog
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  • bazookaBenbazookaBen Member Posts: 318
    release it as a competitor the DBA's Project Resizer, as a software. Not as an online service.
  • App SurgeApp Surge Member Posts: 651
    +1. Uploading a file is very risky and if it is my complete game I have worked ever so hard on, I would not take the chance.
    If it was downloadable I would use it though.
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
  • chaleychaley Member, PRO Posts: 226
    I'm Interested in a converter that does all that, but I would never upload my files to a server when there are other downloadable converters out there.
  • balsamicodebalsamicode Member Posts: 36
    Hm I do understand your concerns regarding uploading projects to a website, good point. I'm strongly against stealing other people's property and certainly would not have the time to look at the uploaded files. I'm too busy every day, so the converter must be able to run on its own. Could we agree on stripping out the media files (graphics, sounds) before uploading?

    Reason: A project without media is basically useless. Have a look inside your converted project files (*.app or *.ipa files). All game data is there and you can even open it in GS, except that media files no longer seem to be tied to the project (although behind the scenes, they still are). So if I or someone else wanted to steal your project file, I/he could just download your app from the Appstore and EASILY reverse it to your original project file including graphics/sounds. GS doesn't apply encryption or at least obfuscation on the converted apps, and I guess that probably won't change for some time (they seem too busy with other things). BUT as said before, a project file with graphics/sounds stripped from your project contains only the programming part. The file is useless except if you're the hell of a genius with stealth programming techniques that no one should know about. Does that somehow change your mind?

    If that was too complicated, in short: every GS app downloaded from the Appstore still contains the entire GS project file in readable format. So uploading a project file without media to a website is safer than uploading the complete project to the Appstore!

    I can offer the option to convert project files without media (also makes it easier for me). If you're still interested, let me know. If a lot of people want it, I'll invest the time and make the converter available.

    AFAIK DBA's Project Resizer differs as follows:
    - can't adjust attributes used in positioning calculations (i.e. attribute "updown" = 100px)
    - can't recalculate formulas in expression editor (i.e. attribute "rand-y-pos" = (random(2,12)*100)-130)
    - can't perform recalculations on tables (where you might store positional/size/speed data)
    - can't mass-apply above recalculations on all/selected actors/tables
    - can't unevenly resize images without distorting image proportions (i.e. iPad to Kindle screen size)
    - you still have to manually adjust values/attributes/formulas in your project after DBA's conversion
    - IMHO it's overly expensive unless you convert dozens of projects

    Please correct me if I'm wrong. Btw. I don't see myself as a competitor to DBA's apps. It was just out of inconvenience regarding my own projects that I came up with the idea of an online converter. I see it as a solution for people who only want to convert a handful of projects and don't want to buy a converter software.

    I develop mainly for the web using scripting languages and not desktop apps in Obj-C. If I did, the price would be much higher for the app, and you'd have to pay the full price even if you wanted to convert only 2-3 files. My converter let's you do that for free or for a few dollars.
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