Inverted Screen Scrolling

0belisk0belisk PRO Posts: 189
edited February 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Been using TshirtBooths guide for scrolling on menus for multiple apps, however for the first time I'm using it for scrolling left to right, not up and down, and for some reason its not inverted as it was for my apps where it scrolled up and down.

To scroll right you have to move your finger right, when of course traditionally you would swipe it left to drag the screen right, I've tried reversing the only values i can see from - to + and no luck.

Has anybody else followed TSB guide for menu scrolling and achieved inverted scrolling for left to right screens? If so i would like to know what you changed to invert it.



  • Fabri DamazioFabri Damazio Member Posts: 97
    I dunno this tutorial.
    I used a inverted scrolling camera in the menu of my game made by myself.
    Can you show me this tutorial to help you?
  • 0belisk0belisk PRO Posts: 189
    I know what your referring to TSB and the - is still there, its just its scrolling in the wrong direction. I tried switching it to a + and no luck. Don't understand why its not scrolling inverted...
  • 0belisk0belisk PRO Posts: 189
    edited February 2012
    Camera rules:

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Drag rules:

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Scene screen size: 960 width x 320 height

    Just need to know what to alter on these rules to invert the scrolling, thanks
  • 0belisk0belisk PRO Posts: 189
  • 0belisk0belisk PRO Posts: 189
    daily bump
  • 0belisk0belisk PRO Posts: 189
    Oh thats because i tried changing it to a + and forgot to change it back when taking the screenshot.

    Are you sure? its the same dragging actor I've used in 2 different apps and had no issues with. It scrolls perfectly fine, just as stated its scrolling non-inverted...
  • 0belisk0belisk PRO Posts: 189
    edited February 2012
    Heres a video demonstrating whats occuring:

    Notice how i have to swipe right to go right and vice versa
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