Angry Birds Space
Exciting news about the game everyone aspires to duplicate the success of...
For how long will they squeeze this cow?
Get ready for:
1. Angry Birds Theme Park - in Orlando
2. Angry Birds Seasons Theme Park - in Europe
3. The Angry Birds - The Movie (reboot for Hitchcock anyone?)
4. ABT - Angry Birds TV channel
5. Fried Angry Birds - Restaurant Chain (Ham and Eggs anyone?)
6. Angry Singing Birds - The Broadway Musical
7. Smelly Angry Birds Perfume (who doesn't want to smell like a pig)
8. Angry Birds Secret - The Lingerie Line (feathers!)
9. Angry Birds Plus - the social network
"New" Games
1. Angry Birds Under the Sea
2. Angry Birds flashlight app
3. Angry Birds Band - The karaoke game
4. Pigs that had enough - hey, they deserve a spin off...
5. Angry Birds QR scanner
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