Scroll Bar?

HappyKat78HappyKat78 Member, BASIC Posts: 173
edited February 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi everyone,

Has anyone managed to create a successful scroll bar? I'm not referring to scrolling by flicking through images, rather having a vertical and horizontal scroll bar at the sides of the screen.

I built a bar actor (the actual physical "bar") and a button actor to scroll up and down the bar (for the vertical scroll bar). I placed the button over the bar and only move the Y position of it. I can restrict it to the min/max height of the bar and even have the camera move up and down the scene in relation to the height of the button on the bar. However, I find it only works properly if I do it slowly. If I scroll quickly then the camera doesn't always go all of the way to the top or bottom of the scene (even though the button is at the max/min position in the scroll bar).

Has anyone managed to solve this or are there any good tips to fix this?

Many thanks!


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